a community-owned charitable trust
Covid Services
Blasta Lunch Club Ready Meals
We have secured funding to restart our monthly lunch club after running a devliery service over the past 2 years. Nutritious, high-quality meals are prepared by local chefs. Open to all over-65s living between Dalmore and Shawbost. Check our social media or contact the office on 01851 701225 for info on upcoming lunch club dates.
Community Support
Community Support has been redesigned to make it available to all, and as useful as possible for users. Assistance is offered in: posting and collecting mail; putting out bins and other small outdoor household jobs; emergency gas/fuel runs; and taking items to the local skip. Contact the office on 01851 701 225 or email taic@horshader.com with any requests for support.
Horshader Shopper Service
The Horshader Shopper is a weekly food collection and delivery service. Users must be 70+ or have a health condition which means they are shielding. For more information email admin@horshader.com or call us on 01851 701225.
Prescription Deliveries
Prescriptions are delivered by HCD staff 3 times each week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We have worked with the local Carloway surgery since March 2020 to provide this service.
Virtual Engagement
Horshader social media has hosted online events to provide entertainment for our members. From musical events - cèilidhs and piping recitals - to talks by local experts, there has been something for everyone. Contact admin@horshader.com if you’d like to contribute to our online events programme.

Blasta Lunch Club Ready Meals - Over 100 ready meals waiting to be delivered to over-65s

Blasta Lunch Club Ready Meals being delivered to residents