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Westside Art Show

Fàilte gu Ealan an Taobh Siar, air loidhne! Welcome to the West Side's first virtual Art Show exhibition. Organised by Horshader Community Development, Ealan an Taobh Siar is providing local artists the opportunity to display and sell their artwork. This virtual exhibition displays the work of artists based on the West Side of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides.  Through their work, you can see how their environment and surroundings have inspired their work. The West Side Art Show was intended to launch physically in May 2020 however, the Covid-19 lockdown has prevented the show at this time. As we are not sure when public events will be allowed, we have staged the virtual West Side Art show in the meantime to generate some excitement about the physical event.  The virtual exhibition will take place on the Horshader website and a variety of social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram.  


Initial images have been uploaded here to the virtual exhibition and further images will be added on an intermittent basis, as long as lockdown continues. We have variety of social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram so please like and follow us! 


Horshader Community Development recently opened a newly refurbished community space, suitable for events of all kinds including exhibitions. There have been limited opportunities for local artists to display their work due to a lack of exhibition spaces in the past. HCD has developed Ealan an Taobh Siar in 2020, with a view to making it an annual event. 


Please contact artists directly if you wish to purchase anything. 

To find out more about how to be involved please e-mail:

Welcome to the Westside Art Show
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About Us

Horshader Community Development is a community-owned charitable trust established in May 2005 to plan and run a community wind farm for the benefit of people in South Shawbost, Dalbeag and Dalmore on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis.

Company Number: SC277276

Charity Number: SC041092

Contact Info

Horshader Community Development

Raebhat House

North Shawbost

Isle of Lewis



Tel: 01851 701225


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We are grateful to the following funding agencies for their support:

© Horshader Community Development

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